Message from Archangel Zadkiel

Message from Archangel Zadkiel

Good morning everyone, Grace, compassion, kindness – virtues we all need in our lives.  Often we are so hard on ourselves and other people yet when someone else shows kindness to you, or extends compassion during a time that you need the support and...
A little word on Trust

A little word on Trust

Hi everybody Trust is such a small word, with a huge impact in our lives… You feel you have been let down by trust.  You are scared to trust again as it may leave you feeling vulnerable and insecure. Trust is the foundation of all our giving and receiving in...
I forgive you, I forgive me

I forgive you, I forgive me

 Dear Ones, Yesterday we were guided towards new beginnings, a refresh if you will, a review for September.  And as such, in order to walk forward with contentment, peace and clarity, I was reminded of the message of forgiveness.  Last night on the Facebook Live...
Inner Harmony

Inner Harmony

Dear Ones, Inner Harmony can mean many things to many people, I feel in harmony with my world when………. …… and we will all have different variations of what we feel will bring about true harmony for us, being at peace with all that is. For...
Why do we fear asking?

Why do we fear asking?

Why do we fear asking? Is it because we feel bad? Do we feel that we are allowed to receive? Will we be less thought of, will we come across as weak? Will we come across as incompetent? YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW… Certain things we know and certain things we...