
Reiki energises and facilitates healing on all levels. It helps one to gain clarity, relieve stress, amplify vitality, ease pain, lift depression and heal


Reiki energises and facilitates healing on all levels. It helps one to gain clarity, relieve stress, amplify vitality, ease pain, lift depression and heal.

The effects of a REIKI treatment:

  • Reiki amplifies the Universal Life Force Energy in the body
  • Reiki Creates balance in the physical and etheric body
  • Reiki promotes total relaxation and stress release
  • Reiki unblocks suppressed emotions which is the cause of much illness
  • Reiki releases energy blocks and connected emotions, which in turn helps the release of the cause of any disease
  • Organs, tissue and bone are regenerated by Reiki, improving the chemical balance of the body, which in turn enhances mental balance

Having practiced Reiki over the years has taught me so much of myself and has allowed me to learn so much from others…has allowed me to see and experience the healing and connectedness that we all so desperately seek – I am to this day, in awe of Reiki and its healing effects, on all levels.

Distant Reiki

Many of the consultations, readings and yes, even the REIKI healing treatments can be done distantly.  We are all connected, we are all one and by channeling energy and asking for Divine Guidance, distance become irrelevant.

Research has shown that a meditating person’s brain waves match identically with a person whom the meditator is thinking about and with whom there is an emotional bond, even when great distances separate the meditator from the other person.  Therefore, I can connect and link to the recipients’ energy to send healing and receive healing guidance – be it physical, emotional or spiritual.

We connect via Skype and/or Facebook and I can still work with the body as if it is hands on.  Many of our clients have experienced this with very effective and amazing results.