The words we speak…

The words we speak…

During Sunday Morning’s Messages with the Angels we were guided for this week to pay attention to our words and to really recognise ourselves for who we are, to let go of the past as we are ready and prepared to move forward.  (You can listen to the message on...


Today’s message is a reminder for us to believe in ourselves.  Our deepest beliefs, about ourselves, about life, our values, starts deep within and radiates out.  It influences what we think, say and do.  Sometimes subtle, other times not so much, yet it is...


Good morning everybody, Last night, during our Facebook Live Session, the guidance of REST came up and how important it is for us to rest – not only our physical bodies, but also emotionally and mentally too!  So, I decided to share the guidance with everybody...


Morning all, What if today, all your prayers have been answered? How will that feel like?  Yes, that is exactly how you should feel knowing that your fears and worries have been taken care of.  This is how we can exercise faith and trust in knowing that we are always...
Your world needs you

Your world needs you

Morning everybody, Following on from our “Sunday morning with the Angels” message yesterday, it is a week to tap into our compassion, empathy and kindness.  Compassion has taught me so much about unconditional love!  It is from the place of love,...