Just for today I will not Worry

Just for today I will not Worry

Hi everyone, One of the five Reiki Principles sets the intention to release worry:  “Just for today, I will not worry”.  Just for today, just for this moment, sometimes we try to hard to never worry again.  When all is needed to accept and live in the...
How to NOT doubt yourself

How to NOT doubt yourself

You are guided to NOT doubt yourself. Doubt comes from a fear of not knowing, feeling limited or not good enough.  Perhaps you fear mistakes or being “wrong”. Would you judge yourself if this might be the case?  Do you fear harsh judgement or conflict? For a moment,...


You are guided to find comfort at this time. No one can describe the pain of the heart.  The hurt that you feel is indescribable. You are wondering if it will ever go away. God and His Angels are there to comfort you right now.  Surrender into the pain and embrace it...
A great leap forward!

A great leap forward!

Hi everybody, Today’s message is powerful, from Archangel Metatron!  Keep on keeping on, believe in yourself, believe that you are currently receiving and everything is falling into place.  Recognise yourself, recognise others and turn your focus from NOT YET...
New Love…

New Love…

Hi everybody, On this beautiful day remember to celebrate YOU!  Today we are reminded too that LOVE is a beautiful, healing, kind, hopeful, giving and receiving energy.  Embrace this – whether you are in a relationship or looking for love.  Embrace this, flow...