Allow yourself to Receive

Allow yourself to Receive

Hi everyone This morning I was asking Archangel Gabriel what is the ONE thing I can focus on today.  Feeling a little overwhelmed by the To Do List and the Time available, I needed help on the time management side. The guidance I received was “Allow yourself to...
Pause for a second

Pause for a second

Hi everyone, When something feels uneasy, or confusing – or even when you feel you lack the clarity in order to make a decision – press the PAUSE button.  We eagerly want to find solutions or resolve situations that we feel uneasy or uncomfortable about. ...
A little word on Trust

A little word on Trust

Hi everybody Trust is such a small word, with a huge impact in our lives… You feel you have been let down by trust.  You are scared to trust again as it may leave you feeling vulnerable and insecure. Trust is the foundation of all our giving and receiving in...
Inner Harmony with Archangel Sandalphon

Inner Harmony with Archangel Sandalphon

Hi everybody, Today’s message from Archangel Sandalphon reminds us to be in harmony with ourselves and our world.  Can you remember that place of absolute inner harmony?  Where everything felt aligned in your heart?  You were in truth of yourself and with those...
Retreat from the real world

Retreat from the real world

Hi everybody, What if I had to say to you “Retreat from the real world, just forget about your current reality and relax”.  Most probably you would remind me of all there is to do – or you would tell me all the hundreds of reasons why this statement...