Moments of Manifestation

Moments of Manifestation

Hi everyone, We had such a profound healing moment and guidance on Sunday Morning during our livestream video. It is the moments in our lives that are important, it is the moments that we remember that bring feelings of love, peace, joy and yes, also regret, maybe...
Stand Up!

Stand Up!

In this week’s message, our word for the week received was : Stand UP! My son reminded me of this:  if you have lost and you stand up, you still have a chance, but if you have lost and you don’t get back up again, you never have another opportunity to win....
Lift your Spirits this week!

Lift your Spirits this week!

Hi everyone, Our weekly message for the week of 25 January 2021, encourages us to connect to Source through meditation.  Do you make time for this healing and profound practise?  Especially when anxiety and worry is all around us, it is so important to centre and...
Angels Beside You

Angels Beside You

Hi everyone, In this week’s guidance we received powerful guidance on how we can heal with the help of the Angels. The angels are very present right now as they assist humanity in healing from, and coping with the times we are in.  Lean into the angel of...
Walking in JOY

Walking in JOY

Hi everyone, In this week’s weekly video we were guided to heal with JOY! Maybe it doesn’t feel like a joyful time for you now but I want to encourage you to have a listen to the video below on JOY.  It is a vibration that can bring healing, compassion and...