The ONE thing that makes it all possible

The ONE thing that makes it all possible

Hi everyone, We dream of so many things!  Travelling, freedom, changing jobs, losing weight, being happy, finding a partner…the list goes on and on. There are coaches, healers, lightworkers, mentors who have all these amazing offerings to support us along the...
A virtue a day

A virtue a day

Hi everyone, In our Sunday Morning Live message for this week, we are encouraged to choose one virtue a day for this week and celebrate it.  We have so many national days, public holidays that celebrate something or someone special, recently Mothers Day, National...
Message from Archangel Chamuel

Message from Archangel Chamuel

Good afternoon everyone, Today, a gentle reminder to give yourself permission to allow for more love, more peace, more harmony into your world.  Be a little kinder to yourself and let go off all the effort, struggle and healing work (resistance) that you think you...
New Love…

New Love…

Hi everybody, On this beautiful day remember to celebrate YOU!  Today we are reminded too that LOVE is a beautiful, healing, kind, hopeful, giving and receiving energy.  Embrace this – whether you are in a relationship or looking for love.  Embrace this, flow...
What is your daily experience?

What is your daily experience?

Morning everybody, This morning i came upon the following quote: “Sooner or later, we have to overcome our fears…for the spiritual road is travelled through our daily experience of love” – Paulo Coelho, By the River Piedra. What is your daily...