by Michelle Vooght | Aug 26, 2020 | Daily Messages
Hello Everybody, Let us be reminded of the words we speak, as we say I AM today. The words followed by “I AM” are the most powerful words you can use to create your outcomes. “I AM” is the beginning of the Source of Light within you. “I AM” is the name of God. These...
by Michelle Vooght | Aug 19, 2020 | Daily Messages
Good Morning Everybody, During last night’s Q and A with the Angels on our Facebook live, we received beautiful guidance with Archangel Gabriel. One of the profound moments of guidance was around Soul Conversations. When last did you take some quiet time to listen to...
by Michelle Vooght | Sep 12, 2019
Our third Angel Summit is going to be extraordinary in its content and healing experience. Many are feeling anxious about the future – what alternatives are there? How can we see and experience live differently for a change? The panel of Speakers will share profound...