Hi everyone,

One of the five Reiki Principles sets the intention to release worry:  “Just for today, I will not worry”.  Just for today, just for this moment, sometimes we try to hard to never worry again.  When all is needed to accept and live in the moment, from moment to moment.

Our guidance for today, from my card deck Whispered Guidance:

You are guided to release worrying

We have heard many times before how futile the energy of worry is.  Consider that worry keeps us stuck to limited beliefs; it keeps us in the past, where we believed that nothing good was possible.  It limits our future as we don’t believe that good will come to us. Worry brings about more lack and can hold you back if you are moving forward.  The past has  gone and so it brought gifts of wisdom and soul knowledge.  The future we can create with thought, with intent.  The present is where it starts.  It is in the present moment, when you release  worry, that you give yourself permission to open up to the new beliefs that you are currently receiving. Beliefs of abundance, provision, joy, manifestation and purpose. Hand over all your worries and fears today; let them go out into the Universe with the intent to be healed and dissolved.  Speak about the outcomes  for what you are asking; speak about  the blessings  that are around you and those that are  to come and delete worry. Ask Heaven’s help with this.  As you do this more and more, you will overcome the need to worry.

Wishing you moment of replacing worry with trust.
All is Well,
Much love