Good morning everyone,
What if you have heard these words today?
“you’ve lived a thousand lives to prepare you for this one – act like it”
What if you have all the potential to make your dreams come true? What if you have done this before and are now ready for the next level, the next step? What will happen if you act bigger than what you think you are? What will happen if you act with confidence and self-belief?
What if this life is meant to be your best life ever?
Sometimes all it takes is a little nudge from the Universe to move us forward. Whatever life hands to you, if you believe that you are bigger than the challenge, the worry, the circumstance and you stay tuned to guidance, and you keep the faith, and you hold onto your dreams as if everything is possible – then so it will be for you. Yes we lose hope, sometimes we think it is just not worth it all, or we think that we will never make it and then WOW – you hear these words: “you’ve lived a thousand lives to prepare you for this one – act like it”
Stand tall today, ask for help where you need it, but never, never think your goals, your dreams, your life is less than another. You have all the potential, the gifts, the learnings, just BE it. You can be anything right now, your dreams are worthy, don’t think of yourself as small, think of yourself as worthy – dream bigger than what you have always thought was possible.
How do you do this, you may ask? Write your goals down, go back to the drawing board and review your dreams, become clear and then everyday ask – what is the ONE thing I can do towards this goal, this dream? Then do it.
If you need resources, assistance or people – pray about it. Also show up, don’t shy away, show up and be consistent with all those ideas and inspired actions you receive! If you believe it, if you keep on dream it, if you do one thing at a time – this is ACTING it.
You have lived a thousand lives to prepare you for this one – act like it.
Sending you big dreams and wishes for happiness,
PS: These words were received by a very special person as divine guidance and I have the permission to share it with you – aren’t we so blessed by Guidance?!