Trust – a small word with BIG impact in our lives.

You feel you have been let down by trust. You are scared to trust again as it may leave you feeling vulnerable and insecure. Trust is the foundation of all our giving and receiving in life. It is the foundation of how we TRUST the Universe to provide for us. It is the starting point of TRUSTING that everything will eventually work out.

Do you know why Trust is scary or disappointing? Perhaps we had a picture, an expectation from someone else, and the outcome didn’t match that. We become disappointed because we were not specific about our expectations of trust. Is the assumption that everybody’s expectations (pictures) are the same? Communicate your expectations – do we check our pictures with another?

• Trust is saying sometimes I lead, sometimes I follow
• Trust is honest, truthful and clear
• Trust is saying I don’t know what I don’t know, and that’s ok
• Trust is listening
• Trust is talking
• Trust is opening up to your heart, your emotions and all your other senses
• Trust is saying I have your back
• Trust is saying I need help
• Trust is mindful
• Trust is heart based, not ego based.

Give yourself permission to trust live again and talk to God and His Angels about your fears. Talk to your loved ones and people around you that may give or receive trust from you. Clear the air, forgive and release past hurts. Move forward and trust yourself and others.

You can TRUST you to do this.