Love has the power to heal any situation, any circumstance and creates a life that is fulfilling, happy and abundant! It is not to say that suffering do not exist – it is saying that we are able to master anything that happens in our lives not by WHAT happened to us, but by HOW we deal with such.
Love greatly and miraculously transforms any situation into harmony and balance.
In fact, love is the same as a currency. Without it, we might feel empty and destitute with no ability to give and receive anything. With it, we might feel wealthy, happy and content with the ability to give and receive to ourselves and others. When we start seeing Love in a different light, we find that the path towards unconditional love becomes clearer.
The energy of love works exactly as perhaps compared to your bank account. There is income and expenses. You deposit money into your banking account in order to have sufficient funds to pay the bills and other expenses.
We add savings accounts to our portfolios, with the aim to deposit additional funds elsewhere. Very often the savings account funds will go towards our dreams/desires such as holidays, special occasions or it can act as an emergency fund when we need it.
The point being that we are always depositing currency in order to receive what we need and desire.
If love was a currency we would make sure that there is sufficient supply always for ourselves. We would even go beyond, into a savings account and allow additional extra love, care and nurturing so that our reservoir is always filled, always overflowing and that there is always more than enough to either act as an emergency fund when we need it. Or to give ourselves permission to live our dream lives – to love ourselves enough to do that.
When we allow for love to fill us up in such a way, to regard ourselves with so much love, then giving love to others, loving unconditionally becomes effortless, it will just expand and flow from you for others to receive.
This is the journey towards Unconditional Love.