Dear Ones,
For the month of September, a guided intention, message, Archangel and prayer. So in alignment with the energy of this week in particular – how do you move on? How do you let go? Well, see what guidance we have received for the month of September 2018:
The best way to release stress is to talk about it, to share it with a friend and to release your worries, guilt or feelings of regret. Very often all that we worry about does not come true! Change the CD, change the tune you keep on playing over and over in your head. Turn your thoughts around, what positive ways or objective thinking can you apply during this time? Focus your thoughts on the outcome you desire and ask your Angels to help you, get a good night’s rest and ask to be surrounded with pleasant dreams. It’s always the darkest before dawn. Look Up, there is hope!
Again, Archangel Jeremiel can assist you during this positive time of change! Worry only causes unnecessary delays, trust that where you are is taking you exactly where you need to be. Focus on good outcomes, affirm that the wheel of fortune is turning and that this change in direction offers happiness! His message: “Affirm your vision, things are changing to bring prosperous new opportunities. Trust and choose happiness” Archangel Jeremiel has the ability to inspire great vision and assist during periods of change.
Archangel Jeremiel, I need assistance and inspiration. Guide me in the way forward and take my hand during life changing circumstances. Help me to understand where I am heading and strengthen my trust that the unexpected events that may be occurring during this time is leading me to a more joyful and fulfilling life. Dear God, thank you for Purpose, Circumstances and Journey’s created for my own wellbeing, thank you that the wheel of life is turning for me now. Amen.
Once you have set the intention, prayed and asked for assistance – affirm your vision, write it down, speak it out loud, have those thurthful discussions and allow yourself to forgive everyone for everything. Then, write down your strenghts, write down what must stay and what must go and then do one thing, only thing towards your goal. The next day, another one thing, only one thing a day, and thus reality will unfold for you exactly as it should.
Lots of love always,