Our monthly message for August 2019:

We were guided to connect with Archangel Raguel to resolve friendship and legal matters.  Remember to stand in your truth and act from a place of love. Hand over your worries about material resources and financial matters and tune into your natural state of BEINGNESS, which means, you are worthy and deserving of help and support where you need it the most. Move into the energy of asking and gratitude.  Recognise the blessings all around you, every day.

Kindness brings abundance.  What you seek, give that of yourself. Give kindness and it will return to you.  Give time, give love, give support and lovingkindness and you will be amazed at the miracles in your own life.  Even though we don’t give to receive, receiving becomes the miracle as we give with a pure intention and open heart.

And finally, rest.  Rest when your body calls for it.  Rest your mind by letting go. Rest your Soul by meditation and prayer.  Rest restores us.  And as you rest, you fill up your own love bank.  Remember you cannot give what you do not have, therefore you need to fill up.

Sending you so much love and good wishes for this month – we also share about the LionsGate in the video, so be sure to take some time and listen.

Much love