Hi everybody,
Today’s message is from my card deck “Whispered Guidance” and we are reminded that our Loved Ones are always near…
You are guided to listen to a message from Heaven
Your loved ones and family on the other side are sending you a message of love and encouragement. They want you know that they are with you and watching over you. There is no judgement where they are, there is no fear or suffering. There is only unconditional love and understanding. They know that you love and miss them dearly and they are sending you this message to let you know that they are with you, even if you cannot see them, they are close to you. Talk to them, tell them your cares and concerns, tell them that you miss them and allow yourself to feel their presence and love. Light a special candle or play their special song – this will help you to feel comforted. You are reminded that you can ask your family on the other side whenever you need help and they will help you, whether it is looking for a job opportunity, a car, a new home or needing assistance with family matters. Your loved ones are there for you; you need not feel alone. Heaven sends you love.
Wishing you a beautiful day of knowing you are Loved,