So often we wish each other Love and Happiness – and, as you know me, I’m always preaching love :)…love who you are, love where you are, what you do and where you are on your way to! Love life!
If you have missed Sunday Morning’s video – the message was all about bringing out what you love – when last did you do what you love? Not only work, but little things? Click on this link and listen!
If you surround yourself with the things, people and experiences you love, you feel happy. Choose love, choose happiness.
You can give yourself permission to be happy – very often we wait for circumstances to change before we embrace happiness. However, if we choose happiness and we wish each other happiness, the circumstances very often have a different way of unfolding!
We look at our lives, our circumstances and challenges with a lighter vibration. We enter into thoughts of I’m okay, you’re okay, life is okay and this will be okay and then we attract a different frequency – one that returns us to joyful energy, hopeful energy.
As you choose happiness, everything else will fall into place.
As you choose love, situations and people heal.
As you choose love and happiness, you rise above any situation.
“I wish for you love and happiness” – bless each other and yourself with those words today.
A week to love and live,