Morning everybody,

What an amazing ANGEL SUMMIT SA 2018 day we had!  Thank you so much to everybody that supported us to make this event possible – the guidance, love, insight was profound and much laughter!  We were very blessed!  Watch this space for the photo’s.  I feel so blessed!  Thank you.

For today’s message, you are guided to your Spirit Guides and your Loved Ones…there is always guidance available!  Start the conversation, trust yourself that you are able to receive Higher Guidance – yes YOU can.  Start the conversation by asking and inviting their help in.  Whether a loved one you miss, a teacher guide, a healer guide, your guardian angel or a friend.  Sometimes our friends and mentors can also be the vehicle or sounding board.  But, it starts with us, starting the conversation and asking.

There is such a strong presence today of reassurance.  Reassuring you that there is always guidance available, unseen support to help you find the wisdom and clarity you are seeking at this time, within you.  It is right there.  Trust it.

Listen without judgement.  Listen without preconceived ideas.  Listen and be open to what you need to hear – not always what you’d like to hear.  Listen with a heart of divine understanding and possibilities.  Listen not to reply or express an opinion, but listen to receive wise council.  Visualise your crown and heart chakra opening up, visualise words of trust and light and truth coming through for you, write it down, express it and receive what you need to hear today.

Here is card from my deck called Divine Guidance:
“Divine Wisdom, answers and clarity all lie deep within your own heart.  You have always known the truth, the path to take – it is just clouded on this earthly journey by judgement, doubt and fear. What if you would, for one moment, step aside – get out of your own way of analysing, re-thinking and second guessing-  and act upon that guidance which resides within you? God and His Angels, Spirit Guides are always on hand to help us unlock our ability to act from Source.  It is there, it was there from the beginning when you chose your earthly journey.  Divine Wisdom and Guidance help us to make our daily life easier so we can grow spiritually. What is the tone and vibration of your Guidance? You will feel it resonating loud, clear, confident – perhaps a resounding YES. Or at first, it may be a whisper, soft and gentle – yet, the more you listen, the more you fine-tune it, it becomes stable until all doubt fades away. Be aware in every moment and don’t disregard any experience, thought or emotion as being wrong. Only allow yourself to filter it all so that you can get to the point where emotion fades away and what remains is Guidance. Receive the teaching loud and clear, so you can follow the guidance without doubt and fear.”

Wishing you clarity and love