Hi everyone,

We can never get enough of the abundant vibration of gratitude!

You are guided to be in gratitude

You are guided to tune into the healing energy of gratitude.  It may seem that you have nothing to be grateful for, or that the despair is too much. Gratitude is the last thing on your mind! Stop for a moment and look around you.  Look for the smallest things that you can be grateful for at this time. Name them one by one and say thank you for each one – thank you, thank you, thank you. Let the list of blessings expand and expand until your heart is bursting with gratitude.  As you are in this vibration, you open yourself up to receive.  It is the vibration of gratitude that the universe responds to.  When you dwell on lack and nothing, your receiving channel is closed.  Gratitude fills up all the nothingness with something.  Gratitude teaches us that empty makes space for plenty.  The more grateful you are, the more you receive; the more you see that you have so much to be thankful for, the more you see all the abundance in your life already!  The universe responds to this vibration.  It is the key to unlock blessings into your life. Do this daily, perhaps twice, three times a day so that ultimately gratitude becomes your state of being.

The more we SEE, the more we RECEIVE,
THANK YOU’s is what makes the world go round!

Much love