Hi everybody,
This past week I have experienced what an immense difference kindness can make! Sometimes you go out of your way for someone else, or you extend a hand of giving, and without knowing the difference it made, it feels as if you are acting on higher instruction. When this happens, it doesn’t matter whether you had to give, or that you were worried about the time, the energy or the efforts it took – there was just a deep knowingness that you had to reach out and be there, that you had to do this – whether it is a donation, a gift, your time, your smile, your friendship or money.
When this happens, when there is no visible display of the outcome of the efforts, when you act upon that calling, often so unseen that you do not need a thank you – you experience that kindness return to you in ways that you could have never imagined! It expands and expands, your own joy and gratitude overflows! It is an indescribable feeling.
It leads to such a feeling of abundance; the presence of your own blessings lights up and it attracts greater prosperity into your life. The more you give, the more you will receive and when you give with joy, with a happy heart, detached from the outcome, you stand amazed at the happiness and miracles that follows you.
Just for today, heed the call. Volunteer, take the time, give of yourself, be generous – be it with love, friendship, money or acts of kindness – whatever is upon your heart today. And experience the joy and abundance that follows,
Wishing you love, joy and more abundance,