Today, as I opened my diary, my eyes fell on the quote below.  I just love the signs from the Universe that cheers us on, encourages us – for me, these are moments of excitement and joy!  When your eyes fall onto something that stirs your inner being.
Has it happened to you before as well?

“No matter how you are feeling, get up every morning and prepare to let your light shine forth.  Those with eyes to see, will see your light and be enchanted by it”   Manuscript found in Accra by Paulo Coelho

Did you know you can also fall onto someone else’s eyes today?
With your light, your smile, your positivity, your hope.  Even sharing your story with someone, your compassion, your vulnerability – it all connects us to one light.  It is not about being a famous teacher or special purpose or a huge following or a fully booked diary.

It is about shining your light, your story, your contribution – be it to one person, or ten or a thousand.  Even if you have only ONE encounter today where you fall upon someone’s else eyes and can stir their beingness, you light life.

Archangel Jophiel can assist you to feel positive again, to see the silver lining and to find your beauty inside of you, ask Archangel Jophiel to help you to prepare for your light to shine forth – in your own words, ask now.

Wishing you a connectedness with all that is,
So much love