Goodmorning everyone,
It seems there are a few choices in the air…today you are guided to make a decision. I was drawn to this card in my deck called “Whispered Guidance”
Must I make this move? Must I leave or stay? Must I change my job? Do I take this opportunity?
Is this right for me? We pace up and down, seek counsel, analyse, work out pros and cons and we do whatever we can to work out the detail of our lives to ensure the decision is right.
Try for one moment to not think about anything. For a brief moment, put all your decisions aside – STOP THINKING – STOP THE MENTAL MOVIE. For a brief moment, ask yourself this question: What if I am safe, protected and blessed? What if the choice I am making for me is right for me at this time? What if I am living in complete guidance right now?
If it is the right choice for you, you should be able to feel the stillness, the calmness welling up inside you now. Do you still feel uncomfortable? Some paths are uncomfortable, unknown and scary. Others are easy and comfortable. In uncomfortableness we grow.
Every time you walk away with a learning, growth and wisdom. You are always taken care of and guided. Let go and trust. There is no right or wrong decision. It is a journey, a journey filled with guidance, wisdom and blessings. All of your needs are taken care of, now and always.
Allow the fear of the unknown to turn into love for the present moment.
Have a peaceful weekend,
So much love