Morning everybody,
If we look at the same thing over and over again, we see only one side – one perspective. If we surround ourselves with the same routine, the same people, the same tasks or activities, it will become the only view of our world. The same can happen with challenges or questions we are facing – are you looking at it from the same perspective all the time?
It is good to sometimes change the scenery, to venture out, to go where we haven’t gone before – in this way we open our eyes, ears and awareness to a different viewpoint. Maybe just something small as moving your office around, or starting your day differently can do wonders to seeing something in a different light.
Allow change in your life, allow yourself the gift of another’s story or viewpoint, open your mind to new experiences – you can always decide which ones to keep and which ones to discard. But at least you would have experienced a different side to the same story.
Don’t let fear keep you from new experiences,
Lots of love