Hi everyone,

So many times I draw this soul light card: “I do what I love and I love what I do!”  And everytime it reminds me of how blessed I am to be doing what I love, love, love!

Are you doing what you love?  For many years I was also blindfolded and side tracked by the perceived lack and lmitations in my life thinking I cannot do what I love, I cannot earn a living doing what I wanted to really do.  And, as our journey goes, there are sometimes many detours before we are where we really want to be.

If this resonates with you today, please do believe that you can absolutely do what makes your heart sing.  You can receive the job/career you dream of.  Start believing that perhaps where you are now, is taking you where you need to be.  The difference is whether you continue to believe that, whether you continue to focus on what you love.

If you are, keep on loving it!  Embrace every moment with joy, gratitude and expansion.

Do what you are passionate about. Speak, act and believe in what you do. Let your decisions be true to you and your passion – not by comparison to others. And if you are currently doing what is NOT your passion?

Know this: it is a temporary detour that will lead you to where you need to be. Give yourself permission to give this temporary detour all the passion you can muster.

Find reasons to be enthusiastic and excited – otherwise, what is the good of where you are now?

Choose a passionate outlook that says “no matter what I do, where I am, I live my life with quivering anticipation because I know it is leading me to exactly where I need to be”. Embrace where you are and step into it with joy, no matter what – JOY and GRATITUDE is what helped me to be where I am now and JOY and GRATITUDE will continue to be my teachers going forward.

If you need support along the way, I have developed the manifestation journey to guide, mentor and walk with others on the same path – leading them to doing what they love and loving what they do!  Contact me if you want to know more about this journey,  (https://michellevooght.com/manifestation-journey/)

Wishing you love and joy