Archangel Michael’s message for us today is to build up our confidence so that we can deal with the tasks and challenges before us. Fear can make us negative sometimes, or make us shy away from that which we need to face, in order to grow.  Fear can cripple us, and negativity make things more worse than what they seem.

For today, muster up all the confidence within you and go about your day fearlessly, you will find that you even enjoy the day and feel accomplished and good about yourself.  Archangel Michael protects us against negativity and can assist us to remain optimistic, stand in our truth and keep the faith and trust that all is well and going to work out.

Yes, sometimes change is scary and can also make us very uncomfortable, the outcome is unknown, there is excitement yet anxiety about where you are heading.  Or perhaps, you have felt like giving up. Remember, every step is important, the journey is what matters, you are safe and protected by God and the Angels.  You have a personal guardian angel that will support you and you will not be brought to anything that you will not be able to master.

Don’t worry, take one step, one situation at a time and feel the strength of Divine Guidance behind you as you stand in your Confidence today.

Wishing you so much love and encouragement,

PS: Archangel Michael’s name means “He who is like God”.  He is the overseer of all the angels, is depicted through many holy transcripts and biblical testaments, fighting away lower level energies and protecting us all. He assist to protect us, keep us safe and also raise our confidence, self esteem and inner strength. Encouraging us to stand tall, in our truth and in our power.