Balance with Archangel Zadkiel

Balance with Archangel Zadkiel

Today we are reminded to bring BALANCE in, to receive, to listen and to allow… BALANCE – from my card deck “Whispered Guidance” You are guided to call on balance As the seasons come and go, as good and bad  enter and leave our lives, so is...
Are you passionate?

Are you passionate?

Hi everyone, I came across this quote today “I know that passionate people always infect the place where they live with their passion” The Witch of Portobello by Paulo Coelho. Passion infects passion.  Joy begets joy, Laughter is infectious.  Inspiration create...
Message from Archangel Chamuel

Message from Archangel Chamuel

Good afternoon everyone, Today, a gentle reminder to give yourself permission to allow for more love, more peace, more harmony into your world.  Be a little kinder to yourself and let go off all the effort, struggle and healing work (resistance) that you think you...
Message from Archangel Raguel

Message from Archangel Raguel

Goodmorning everyone, Do you find yourself in a legal battle or period of confrontation at this time?  We could all do with a friend in high places sometimes as we get discouraged or we feel that we are fighting this battle all alone.  Archangel Raguel’s name...